
Merge Sort in Scala

Merge Sort is a kind of fast sorting algorithm with O(nlog(n)) order.

Merge sort itself is a recursive algorithm and can be expressed neatly even in an Imperative programming like Java. However pattern matching and high order functions in Scala can make this even interesting.

def mergeSort(list:List[Int]):List[Int] = list match {
case x::Nil=> List(x)
case _ =>
val (a, b) = list.splitAt(list.length /2)
merge(mergeSort(a), mergeSort(b))

def merge(aList:List[Int], bList:List[Int]):List[Int]= bList match {
case Nil => aList
case _ =>
aList match {
case Nil => bList
case x::xs =>
if (x < bList.head)
x::merge(xs, bList)
bList.head::merge(aList, bList.tail)


Maxim Verevkin 30/11/09 19:14  

This implementation causes the StackOverflow error with the list of 10,000 elements.
The iterative implementation processes the list of 100,000 elements easily.


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